Once upon a time, I followed my lifelong dream and moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. A friend asked me, "If you weren't an actor, what else would you want to be? "
My (immediate, as if it was a thing) answer: "A traveling philosopher." Years later, while working on camera and venting to a colleague about how unfulfilled I was starting to feel in my chosen occupation, she asked, "Well, what do you REALLY want to do? " My (surprising at the time) answer: "I want to inspire people. I want to wake them up and remind them of who they really are." A couple of years after that, I had already fallen into a fun career in voiceover and was spending the majority of my free time as a spiritual seeker and student when a first date inquired, "What do you do when you're not working?" My (totally honest) answer: "I go on walks, take photos of flowers, and write down what comes to me." A lot has happened since then. I went through what I lovingly refer to as my super-woo phase. I offered intuitive readings. Taught workshops. Moved back to the east coast. Started coaching voice actors. Shared my Message Of The Day experiment via social media. Compiled my writing and photography into two books. Met my partner Jon. And eventually relocated to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains where I continue to voice other people's projects while simultaneously creating my own.
And in the several expansive years since the beginning of this story, I have learned that: