I woke up this morning craving some feet-in-grass time. My body wanted green and quiet but my brain said "no, you need to DO something for your career." I shoulded myself into driving to Hollywood to check out a work opportunity. On my way, I got stuck in crazy traffic, nearly got a flat tire by driving over some fallen debris on the freeway, and once I arrived at my destination, found out that I should have just stayed home and contacted them over email.
With a Virgo sun and a Gemini ascendant, Mercury is my guy. When he's retro, you better believe I feel it. And yet, because life is FOR us, I am focusing on the gifts and benefits this time brings. Seriously, you Google mercury retrograde and one of the first things that comes up is "communication crisis." I mean, come on. Why perpetuate fear? How is that helpful for anyone? I choose to see this time as an opportunity to slooooow the F down. To listen closer. To smooth out my inner communication- to strengthen the relationship between all aspects of my being. To re-treat myself by retreating. To practice radical self-acceptance and unconditional love. To not take life so seriously. And to have a sense of humor about it all. I finally made it to my grassy oasis, let my toes touch the earth, watched the birds and dragonflies circle above, and gave myself the permission to honor the energy of and be present in- the moment. And while it may not have furthered my career in an obvious way, it was exactly what I needed. |
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