My journal entry from this morning:
Saddened by the news that Maya Angelou has passed. And not saddened because I knew her and will miss her. Although I know that those close to her will miss her presence greatly. Her family and friends will mourn for her as people do when their loved ones leave human form. But the sadness I feel now is mostly in the reminder that time passes. That you give and then you go. That you can be incredibly influential or relatively “insignificant” and still all that is left of you is your legacy. That we are only here in this body, in this formation, as this particular human being for a brief number of years. Even when there are 86 of them - it is still brief. It’s as if every death we fully allow ourselves to acknowledge only reminds us that we are supposed to be LIVING while we’re HERE. That we are supposed to be giving to the world. Not from a place up high - not giving in a handing down sort of way - as if anyone is less than you. Giving as if everyone is a part of you - the you that isn’t contained within your separate human skin. The you that is everything and everywhere. The big you - the big I. The us. The we. The IT. The all that is. And so we need to live our lives as we are supposed to be living them - as through our unique imprints. Our stamps. What we were birthed as and what we were meant to grow into. We need to live as our contribution. We need to live as our service to each other. Don’t sit on your gifts or hold back your love. Don’t stifle your own potential talents. Don’t squash another person’s seeds. Everyone is here for a reason. There is a place for everyone. There is a place for you. Don’t spend any more of your energy trying to figure out HOW to make things happen for you. Trust that you are making things happen by saying yes to yourself and to your soul. By doing that thing - those things - that you love doing. By giving to other people. By contributing your energy to the collective energy that IS the WHOLE WORLD. By doing these things not merely so other people will respect you or pay you a lot of green value-paper or push you up on a pedestal of false power. Do it because you are meant to do it - like everything in nature does. Do it because you know you will die one day too. And your life will have been lived in the manner in which it was lived. So you might as well fully live YOU while you’re here. Comments are closed.
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