And then you take a wrong turn and before you know it you end up here and you realize your wrong turn was actually a right turn because it brought you a beautiful surprise.
And so you hop out of your car and run out to the water and let the sound of it rushing around you soothe your silly worries and pause that very human habit of focusing on the few things you lack over the many things you have. And you wonder if the only way to ever win is to indulge in simple pleasures, like the sound of coffee dripping slowly from the cone into the cup or the elation of stumbling upon hidden gems in less than exotic locations. And even though your jacket is encrusted with a combination of goat cheese and honey from your second breakfast and even though you can’t remember when you last slept through a night uninterrupted by a dry cough or spent a day without entertaining happy or sad tears, it doesn’t even matter because in that moment something in you settles. You soften. And you allow yourself to take in all of this magical happenstance, letting it snuggle you with its reassuring warmth like a blanket of your best feelings. And you snap a photo because nature is your not-so-secret lover and beauty is only intensified when shared through an affectionate lens. And just when you feel overcome with your good fortune, like you could float right out of your Sambas from so much joy, you hear a loud voice behind you bark, “THAT’S NOT A SPOT, YOU KNOW!!” And when you turn around to locate its source, you realize that the voice is booming out of a nearby minivan, and it is directed right at you. Because your car is literally parked in the middle of the road. “I know,” you semi-unapologetically reply as you deflect some of the shame he’s projecting. “I know.” Comments are closed.
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